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What is that you might be thinking? It doesn’t exist in the dictionary.

It is part of the language in my family. It is a made-up word that means you were a major slacker that day. It is such an odd concept. It is similar to the dinosaur name a Stegosaurus, but no correlation.

In my family, I grew up having limited screen time. Once you watched TV for a couple of hours or played video games, you had to find something else to do that didn’t involve a screen. Typically I didn’t have much time for screen time with all the sports I was thrown into. With soccer, dance, swim team, sailing, piano, cross country, and volleyball there wasn’t much time left for screen time. It was out of good intent that my parents wanted me to make the most of my childhood getting socialized and staying active as a busy bee. Though now, I find it hard to not be busy.

To have #Productivity means to be achieving or producing a significant amount or result.

I constantly have to remind myself that I can have unapologetically time for myself. ME time is okay. This would be seen as a slacka-saurus in my family. Not doing something that is productive in the eyes of others. In the eyes of myself though, this is showing care and compassion to myself.

My journey to self-acceptance and self-love has had it’s share of obstacles. I always keep thinking there is more to aspire for. It can make enjoyment of living in the present more challenging.


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