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🍲 Crockpot vs. ⏱️ Microwave Writing

1 min

I find that metaphors help me make sense of the wonky ways that my mind works.

Originally published in on October 4, 2020 in Letter #28 from a Learn-it-all

I find that metaphors help me make sense of the wonky ways that my mind works.

Some of my writing stew in the crockpot take longer to process. I have to ponder and put more thought into them. I need more active and ambient research for these to be ready. More conversations need to be had and I need to finish reading that book on my nightstand about it. These are my blogs.

With a bag of popcorn, you put them into the popcorn and you know for a fact they will be done in 3 minutes. There's not a doubt in your mind. There is no active questioning. No adventure or exploration still needs to take place. I have all the answers already. This is the writing where I sprint for a finite amount of time in the microwave. These have been my Ship Its.

This comparison of Crockpot vs. Microwave helps to frame my mindset while writing.

To all my fellow creators out there: what metaphors help you understand your creative process?


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