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Ship It Daily Goal

2 min

I mapped out Zig Ziglar’s seven steps to set a personal goal that made me uncomfortable. I decided this would be to publish each day of the week a ‘Ship It’ post. This is a challenge to become more courageous sharing my work publicly and compressing it down to less than 400 words. I consume and journal every day, but I am hesitant to share an equivalent amount. I want to be a persistent and consistent creator.

1. The Goal

Get in the habit of sharing more openly by publishing 1 compressed idea, less than 400 words every weekday, on my website beginning on July 23rd.

2. The benefits – what is in it for me?

3. The obstacles to overcome

4. The skills and knowledge required

5. Who you will work with?

6. Develop a Plan of Action

  1. Continue my journaling habit each morning

  2. Transfer my most insightful idea to my second brain (personal knowledge management system)

  3. Write for 30 minutes about this idea by adding more notes to it (Be sure to have a writing environment carved out with warm beverage, writing desk, Airpods ready)

  4. Compressing it down to less than 300 words

  5. Edit in a Google Doc on my phone while walking

  6. Post daily after dinner

  7. Share all five ideas each week in my weekly newsletter

  8. Gather feedback and build more on ideas to write longer-form articles to add to my portfolio

7. Deadline
Pursue experiment each week and evaluate whether changes need to be made.

Update: I will do this for 100 days which leaves me with a week off before the end of 2020.



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