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Seek Discomfort

1 min

Most people run away. They flee in the face of it. Why choose something unknown when there’s the option where you have knowledge?

To each their own truth. There’s no stopping the realities that each of us lives out. They are all different and always will be unique experiences.

Through mixing fear and uncertainty in a large pot, anxiety is created.

Uncertainty + Fear = Anxiety

Though it seems unconventional, this is why I intentionally seek out discomfort. If it is my choice, I perceive there is more certainty. This is empowering. I feel like I am doing my future self a proactive deed. I am clearing the fog of more unknowns in life.

This is why I chose to venture up to my cottage to start the year. It was January 2019 and I was alone for 14 days. I had never been alone from society that long without any human interaction. (Apart from the poor schmuck whose ear I talked off while he checked me out at Walmart). Thankfully, I brought my cat smudge. The feelings were not mutual. She refused to stop screaming at me. The freezing cottage took some getting used to for both of us.

What would I spend my whole day doing? I loved making my smoothies each morning. I would walk alongside the icy lake with my thoughts. I experimented with different foods to make. Rabbits holes of opportunities to self learn appeared. I had phone calls with strangers. I’d interview them to see what stories I could write up to be added to my book’s manuscript.

When you are intentional with creating a change in your life, the anxiety vanishes. Rest is easier knowing that the change was desired.

I have found that when I seek discomfort and challenge I am less surprised by change. Life feels less uncertain while the exposure to it is constant. Those who fear change, end up being on defense. Choose to be on offense instead.


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