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Photographic Memory

1 min

Imagine being the janitor at MIT and spending your spare time solving graduate-level mathematic proofs that not even the professor can solve.

That is what is was like for Will Hunting in the 1997 drama movie Good Will Hunting. He can memorize precise page numbers of American history textbooks and recite them verbatim with a beer in hand at a bar in front of jerks. This is what I would call someone who has a photographic memory.

Though Will has never struggled in school. His new mentor takes him in to see if his potential can be reached.

Without a talent being challenged, it is hard to even full be grateful for it. So much is right under our noses because it has always been there.

If this superpower of genius-level IQ was taken away from Will like for when the clock struck nine o’clock for Cinderella and the spell wore off, then he would be dreaming of days when achievement was of ease.

Why is it that we always want things that we do not have?

Will could easily settle for the lifestyle of his friends that are not gifted and live a life of laying bricks. He doesn’t have a challenger mindset. Being in the environment that he is in, he thinks that his opportunities are limited and doesn’t dream big on purpose.

He has a fear of success. What could happen if he actually applied himself. That is a scary thought for Will. Also, for all of us. How can we uncover where we actually have superpowers and don’t realize it?

Why is it that we cannot figure out what we are good at until we compare ourselves to others? It’s like we need a competitive advantage to validate what are good at.

With having a photographic memory, I would be speedy at reciting book pages and new information, where it would take others longer to process. I would thrive in school and out-compete everyone else. I am not sure what good this power would do apart from being in the academics.


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