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Reflections on Nomadic Life & Overflowing Socialization in September

5 min

“Better late than never” is a mantra I have to myself. It allows me to live with patience in my life without acting on a false sense of urgency. I finally got around to processing all the experiences I lived out in September. Two of the weeks were in my childhood home in Michigan and the other two were in New York City.

Here’s what my monthly reflection process looked like before I typed it up:

What did I love?

What I lacked

What I learned

Questions to think about (inspired by who?)

Any surprises?

The idea of mindful marketing while in conversation with my friend Josh came about as an idea on Sunday. I’ve always been resistant to thinking of honing this skill. It’s an emergent exercise to the top of the funnel of putting a megaphone to an idea like mine at a mega fair showing the swim team and why you should join.

—> My monthly habit: to experiment each day with the intention to try out a marketing tactic or explaining one to someone. I need to create a Notion table to track these.


This was originally published on Substack as 🍃 Letter 127: Reflections on Nomadic Life & Overflowing Socialization .


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